What To Expect: Before & After

What To Expect: Before & After


Please allow extra time at your first appointment as this will include a short but thorough consultation. I will take some general contact details as well as a medical history and you will be asked to sign a consent and waiver form. Please bring with you a list of medications you may be taking. All this information helps me build a treatment plan, tailored to your individual needs.

Health records and session documentation are standard to the Reflexology Association of Canada reflexology method and are not shared with anyone without your explicit and prior consent.

You will only be required to remove your shoes and socks. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing with pants that can be rolled up to your knees and comfortable footwear for after the treatment. Your feet or hands will feel more flexible and relaxed.

After Your Appointment


After your appointment you should feel relaxed with an improved sense of wellbeing. You may also feel energized and calm at the same time. It is common for clients to tell me they slept well the night of the treatment.

Some people may experience a “healing reaction” which is a cleansing or detoxification response. These reactions are positive and natural and are the body’s way of dealing with the impurities that are released during the treatment. They may include feeling thirsty, tired, energetic, increased bowel movements etc. This is a normal reaction and is part of the body’s healing process and should not last more than 24 hours. To help ensure impurities leave the body and to reduce the likelihood of the healing reaction, you are advised to drink plenty of water following your appointment. A feeling of increased vitality and greater well-being will usually follow.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.